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Planning, Budget & Project Timeframe

It's definitely not the sexy side of a remodel or new construction project (unless you're an accountant lol) but it is one of the MOST IMPORTANT. My survey results tell me this is the #3 area you struggle with the most when designing your own kitchen... Planning, Budget and Project Timeframe. I actually think it's probably the #1 thing but you just don't know what you don't know yet... and why would you? You've never done this before! Let's talk for a minute each of these aspects.


When starting with how to plan for your project, there's a lot that goes into thinking through what your project will entail and what designers and contractors term your "scope of work". It begins with making a list of you what your design goals are and including a wish list and a must have non-negotiable list. Often times there is a might as well list that gets tacked on too while you're taking the plunge in the event of a remodel. When we had our upstairs bathrooms remodeled I took advantage of having electricians and plumbers in the house to install can lights in the hallways and stretch plumbing to create an outdoor shower... "might as well I would say to my husband"!


Next let's talk about budget... specifically how to create a realistic project budget. There is a lot that goes into creating a budget... how much you should spend, how much you want to spend, how much materials cost and how much labor costs. I could talk on these points all day because after working with clients and contractors for the last 17 years, if there's one thing I've learned it's that the majority of people do this all backwards! They start with hiring a contractor, then discover materials costs, then decide how much they want to spend and then find out how much they over spent. ALL BACKWARDS I TELL YOU!!! Creating a realistic project project on the front end doesn't have to be hard and I can teach you how.


Another important part of planning your project is creating a realistic project timeframe which includes time to:

  • design your project

  • interview and hire the right contractor

  • schedule your project based on contractor and material availability

  • decide if you will stay home during the remodel or find temporary housing

  • work with your contractor during the remodel itself

Knowing how to do each of the important steps I listed here today can make or break your project. Winging a major remodel is never a good idea and usually leads to wasted time, money and regret.

The fall session of my amazing KITCHEN DESIGN PROGRAM starts on Sept 20th where I will work with a group of you to design and plan out your projects with all of my tools and tips.

To learn more about the KITCHEN DESIGN PROGRAM, join me for a week of free live trainings over in my private facebook group linked below. Trainings take place Sept 13-17th with live Q&A or catch the replay. Can't wait to see you soon!


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